Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Another weekend gone

I spent most of Saturday cleaning the oven, or it seemed like that. It is done now and today I re-arranged the 2 drawers under the oven, they are all tidy now, I had just been tossing the cake tins in any which way. Weatherwise the weekend was a bit bleak, it was quite cool and sent me to the wardrobe searching out my winter clothes, I think next weekend I will be putting away all the warm weather clothes, perhaps this time I will also get rid of the ones that I didn't wear but have been holding on to thinking I would wear them.
I was going to plant seeds on the Sunday, but never got around to it because it wasn't very nice outside in the garen. I'm glad I didn't as the birds have been in the garden digging through the mulch and have made a real mess scattering the mulch everywhere, so any seeds planted would have been eaten or messed up. I think I will have to buy some seed raising mix and plant the seeds in punnets first. We got about 10mm of rain last week which is better than nothing. My freesias have started pushing through and also my volunteer anenomes, will have to wait and see if they all flower.

We were looking around the garden today and deciding which plants needed cutting back or removing, there are a few that haven't come through the summer too well and as this is the second summer for some of them, I think it will probably be better to take them out and put in something that can cope with less water. Cactus maybe!!!

Ikea is starting to annoy us, I rang there on Thursday last week, to see if the bins that I wanted had come in, the guy on the phone said yes, we have 60. We arrived at Ikea and navigated our way to the kitchen area and there was 1 solitary bin, when we asked the shop assistant she said No, they haven't come in yet, I said yes they have, and explained that I had rung and asked, so she made a few calls, and the upshot was: they had arrived but there was a problem and they hadn't been unloaded yet. We were quite annoyed (one of us more so) and I have yet to ring back and see if they are on the shop floor. Perhaps I will leave that till Thursday.

The picture is of the shopping tote that I was sent in a recent swap, my swap partner also sent me two other bags, a knitted dish cloth and an apron (on the back of the chair). they were all really lovely and I am using them already. I forgot to take a picture of the shopping tote that I had made for the swap. It is similar to one I already posted about, but I added a strip of green fabric and embroidered spirals on one side, I also made a pincushion as well.
I have a book out from the library called: Sorted by Lissanne Oliver, it is about decluttering and I will be using some of her ideas over the next couple of months.

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